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IdentaMaster Biometric Bundle with Crossmatch EikonTouch 510 Capacitive Fingerprint Scanner


IdentaMaster bundles are the best way to save on biometric device and software. IdentaMaster is fully compatible with Crossmatch EikonTouch 510 and perfectly protects your valuable data.

What’s included:


icon_fingerprint_scannerBUNDLE INCLUDED:

1. IdentaMaster® Biometric Software (1 license).

2. Crossmatch EikonTouch 510 Capacitive Fingerprint Scanner.

3. Crossmatch EikonTouch 510 plugin (1 license).


IdentaMaster Biometric Solution provides PC login management and the option of encrypting files stored on a computer desktop and securing data in the cloud. The innovative system is designed to make sure that biometric encrypted data cannot be stolen by outside parties while being shared, synchronized or sent via publicly accessible cloud services (Dropbox, Silversky, GoogleDrive, etc).

IdentaMaster able to work simultaneously with several types of biometric technologies and biometric scanners such fingerprint, finger/vein, palm, iris, voice, etc).


The Eikon family of USB capacitive fingerprint readers provide quick and reliable biometric authentication. The patented technology reaches up into the ridges and valleys of the fingerprint to capture fine print details. The result is the ability to capture a wide range of fingerprints.

  • Touch sensor ideal for multi-user applications
  • Large image capture area delivers optimal usability
  • SteelCoat protective coating provides added protection of fingerprint sensor for rugged environments


 w7  w8  windows-10-logo
Fully tested with Windows 7 (both 32-bit and 64-bit), Windows 8/8.1 and Windows 10.

Key Features

  • SteelCoat for durability
  • Small form factor
  • Works well with dry, moist or rough fingerprints
  • High quality fingerprint image
  • Scanned Finger Area (mm): 12.8 x 18
  • Acquisition Speed: 5.5 frames/sec
  • Image Resolution: 508 dpi


Standard manufacturer’s warranty for a device. Premium support for IdentaMaster Biometric Solution.


How to start Crossmatch EikonTouch 510
How to encrypt entire drives
How to encrypt files and folders
How to enroll user’s biometric profile
Comprehensive Guide
IdentaMaster Brochure

Additional information

Weight 0.4 lbs
Dimensions 4 × 3.5 × 1.6 in







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